VINOCAP from MAY 26 to 28  : thursday, friday, saturday 10pm to 8am

Come to discover the largest outdoor wine festival in the south of France, with almost 70 winemakers coming from all the “Hérault Méditérannée” town community and the most famous wineries/wine estates located in the area.
This event supported by the “Hérault Méditerranée” conurbation is organized in partnership with the “Occitanie Region” and the “Department of Hérault”.
This is a great way to discover gastronomic products from southern France which go marvelously well with the wine produced by our local vineyards.
Let’s share 3 days of great conviviality around wine-tasting. For just 3 euros, enjoy 3 different wine-tastings and one special screen-printed glass offered with.
Alcohol abuse is bad for your health, alcoholic beverages should be consumed with moderation.

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